2010年6月30日 星期三

Transport for Tourism Part 2

Journeys on water can include luxury cruises, which take tourists on all-inclusive holidays of three days or more, visiting a number of different locations. Passengers sleep in cabins, and have a full range of services on board. They are looked after by a team of stewards, with a purser in overall charge of tourist services. Ferry crossing are usually much shorter journeys connecting two points of land or going between islands. The ferries will stop at a large port or a small harbour.

Land travel is probably the most diverse category. It includes rail journeys by train, departing from a large terminals and stopping at stations in route. Passengers sit in separate carriages or for tourists, if they don’t have their own car, are also called coaches. These vehicles can either travel from city to city along fast motorways, or they can be used for transfers from airports and other smaller journeys. Very often the are used for sightseeing trips when as well as a driver. There weill be a tour guide to tell the passengers about the sight.

Transport for Tourism Part 1

Transport for tourists can be divided into three main categories: journeys by air, journeys on water, and journeys on land. Within each category there are several types of transport.
Air travel usually means a short-haul or long-haul international flight, operating form large air ports, which in big cities often have more than one terminal building. But in some more remote places there may be little more than a small airtrip with only one simple runway for planes to land and take off. At some tourist destinations air transport may include short transfers or sightseeing trips by helicopter.

Introduction of Kenya tourism

Kenya offers a diverse range of interests for visitors. Kenya has 300 kilometers of coast, with some lovely long beaches. There are coral reefs, and swimming in the sea is safe from sharks and sea creatures, Ttat is one side, that is the beach holiday. Then Kenya is famous for safaris, there are 45 national parks, where clients can come and visit and see exotic animals like flamingos. There are about two million of them. Tourists can also go hiking in the hills and mountains. There is the culture aspect, such as the Masai, who are not very exposed to Western civilization. Basically, that is the safari and beach side. People visiting here can also come for golf. Kenya has 39 golf courses, so tourists can integrate a golfing holiday-safari, beach, golf. Kenya also has some camels, where people can just go for a camel ride. In a nutshell, most people say that Kenya is a wonderful place for visitors to come. Kenya people are also very friendly.

Reasons for Travel

People travel for many different reason. In the tourism industry we devide the reasons for travel into three main categories: leisure tourism, business tourism, and visiting friends and relatives.
Leisure tourism can mean anything form excursions, day trip, and weekend breaks to package holidays, pleasure cruises, and longer independent trips such as hillwalking or treks in the mountains. It also includes cultural trips. For example, pilgrims on a walking tour to a holy place.
Business tourism includes any travel away from one’s main place of residence, for such events as meetings, conferences, and trade fairs. It also includes special trips when workers are given a reward or a “thank you” for good work. We often call it as an incentive tour.
Travel in order to visit friends or family relatives is also regarded as part of the tourism industry. This could be for a special family party, such as a reunion or a wedding, or a regular trip made every year.

My Views on Fast Foods

It is well-know that fast foods have been popular with the people in our country, especially with the young people. Therefore, the fast food stores have been mushrooming on every corner of this island.
The main reason why most people enjoy fast foods is that such foods are generally fresh and sweet, and the service is convenient and really “fast”. Besides, the fast food stores are so well-designed that customers like their nice atmosphere.
For my part, I don’t like fast foods very much. To begin with, fast foods are not a healthy diet. One may gain much weight after eating a lot of fast foods. In addition, as a healthism, I will decide to eat healthy foods rather then fast foods. In my opinion, it is not worth while to eat fast foods.

How to Elevate the Medical Level in Taiwan

With the elevation of living standard, people lay much emphasis on their health. Hence, to elevate medical level is a task of top priority for the government and the public. In my opinion, the ways to elevate the medical level in Taiwan are as follows.
First of all, the nuits concerned should increase the education of medical members, such as school education, on-the-job training, and professional training. Secondly, the modern hospitals should be built in both large cities and remote areas, and the medical members should be encouraged to serve in remote areas so as prevent the imbalance of medical service. Thirdly, the welfare of medical members must be taken into consideration when we devote ourselves to elevating medical level.
In short, to elevate the medical level in Taiwan is an urgent task. I firmly believe that as long as the medical level can be elevated, the health and well-being of the public will be improved and our country will become richer and stronger.

Lanterns in Taiwan

The purpose of lanterns in Taiwan is not only for illumination. There are various kinds of lanterns which depend on different occasions. The purposes of lanterns are included not only weddings and funerals but also spiritual comforting and encouragements. People in Taiwan often write words or drain something containing stories and allusions on lanterns to display their specific purposes. For example, many people crowd into famous temples to join an important folklore in the New Year’s Eves. That is so-called Light Symbolizes of Wisdom. Writing family’s names on a lantern and then hitch it on the wall of temple in order to get smooth, health, and safe in whole year. Another popular folklore is to set flying lantern, so-called Kongming Lantern. People always write their wishes or arguments on the lanterns and then set the lanterns toward sky. Most Taiwanese believe that our wishes can be sent to Gods through this way. Many foreign tourists also join the folklore in Pen-Shi, especially on the Lantern Festival.

Neat People and Messy People

Neat and messy are two kinds of conspicuous and opposing characteristics. Both of them have humanities and not humanities, and have distinctions between superficial behaviors and mental thinks. First of superficial behaviors, neat people are usually have manners when they talk, work, and get along with someone. In contrast, messy people are not arbitrarily divided into unmanners, but often have the random aspects of treating with people. For instance, neat people’s desks are usually tidy in the work place, yet messy people usually have disorder desks. For dealing with a complex task, neat people usually follow well-regulated procedures, whereas messy people do not. Second of mental thinking contributes superficial behaviors. Neat people encountering troubles usually have prudential ideas to solve the troubles. Differently, messy people usually recklessly face troubles. For example, a neat person scaring cockroaches sees a very big cockroach flying in front of him/her. The neat person usually calmly observes the movement of the cockroach, and then rapidly and deliberately takes a pesticide to kill it. Unlike a messy person sees a small cockroach staying on wall. Simultaneously, his/her thinking becomes hurry-scurry, and then bawling or staying still or running away might happen. However we can not judge a person just according to his/her appearance, but we can roughly sort out people by the 2 kinds of traits. What is more important is the true heart.

2010年6月18日 星期五

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Disadvantages of Television

No one can deny that TV is an important mass medium and plays a vital role in our daily lives. Generally speaking, people spend much time watching TV everyday. Hence, TV has a great influence on us. In my opinion, its advantages and disadvantages are as follows.
TV can let us acquire the latest news around the world as soon as possible. TV programs include new, weather, sports, drama, variety show, and so on. Most programs are of much help to us. However, some programs about violence and crime have ill effects on our minds. Especially, some children like to imitate the bad words and deeds of the characters of those programs. In addition, some students spend so much time watching TV that they often neglect their homework.
In conclusion, TV programs are not only educative but also recreative to us. I sincerely hope that TV can fully develop its function of education and recreation so that we can get plenty of benefits from it.

How to Improve the Traffic in Taiwan

In recent years, the serious traffic jam has been a nightmare to all of us. Hence, the government and the public should make great efforts to improve the traffic. In my opinion, the ways to improve the traffic are as follows.
First of all, everyone should be observant of the traffic rule. Secondly, the mass media should teach the public to put emphasis on traffic safety. Thirdly, the government should curb the growth of the number of cars and motorcycles and severely punish those who violate the traffic rules. Fourthly, all the driver should be re-reducated. Last but not least, the construction of mass rapid transit system should be completed as soon as possible.
In short, to improve the traffic is a task of top priority for the government and the public. I firmly believe that as long as everyone devotes himself to the improvement of traffic, our traffic will become much better soon.

The Effects of Reading Strategy Instruction

Now I have known at least ten kinds of reading strategy and their rough procedures from classes, but they have unobvious influence on my reading. There are 2 major reasons as following. Firstly, I can only get a efficient reading under no role restricting or ordering to read something. When following a reading strategy to read, I need to read with the separate steps which cost me much energy. Moreover I can uncertainly analyze the topics or keywords corresponding to the article with my own knowledge in advance. The way of direct read is fast and efficient. Secondly, the reading strategies can uncertainly meet all kinds of article. For example, many articles have abstract topic sentences and keywords. It does not work if reader only read the abstract information. In accordance with reading strategy, I will still follow my way to read articles. It is not worth while to lose ardor at the cost of following any reading strategy.

No one can deny that vocabularies are the most important link during reading. Reading has had me know more words and phrases. In my opinion, the importance of reciting a large amount of words cannot be overemphasized.