2009年12月29日 星期二

Look Forward to Meeting a Cold Current

Because of global warming, winter in Taiwan getting a shorter and shorter. Moreover the temperature can still maintain upward 25 degrees. It is not a strange matter. One day in this winter, I started to look forward to meeting a cold current although the cold current always makes me catch a cold.

I can remember that I was aglow with the first cold current coming this year. What I invoked the God heard. I took out my coats form the wardrobe immediately after getting the news about the first approaching cold current. But I got a opposite of my expectancy…the cold current was not strong enough. People in Taiwan met some not strong cold currents after soon. I started to think winter had disappeared. The situation had changed since December…the strong current finally came.

Since two weeks ago, we met a very strong cold current with plenty of rain. I don’t why I was aglow with the cold current. May the cold current implied that winter still exists. Until now some sequent cold currents came to Taiwan, and I also had flu as the cold currents. I have been discomforted by sneezes, stuffed nose, running nose, and cough. I asked to a customer form Korea about the weather. She said that now the temperature is only zero degrees, and they don’t feel cold. Oh my god……

2009年12月27日 星期日

Some Advantages of Foreign Travel

No one can deny that foreign travel is a sensible choice to develop people’s spiritual life and enjoy material life. The reasons why people are still willing to travel overseas under depression is that the real acquirements are always more then our thinking. First in all, broadening our horizon is the most reasons to make people be very fond of foreign travel. For example, we always realize what a great story or achievement when we actually stay in a historic spot.

Second, most people release stress by foreign travel. A period of hard working brings people stress and vexation. Needless to say, leaving the troubling and familiar environment and visiting a strange place to release stress has good functions. Especially visiting a place where the language people speak is different from us is adventureful.

Third, we can realize the really located life. In my case, I like to enjoy individual foreign travel very much. I always collected many located travel information such as tourist attractions, transportation, restaurants, and shipping before departure. It makes me close the area by travel with some maps and schedules. I can also learn something new from it. Moreover, acquiring new ideas and making us learn to treat matters by various perspectives. Foreign travel with relaxed mood often makes people see and think what happened during their journey as different perspectives. There is no doubt that we often enlighten suddenly and have new ideas subconsciously after a trip.

In conclusion, foreign travel has too many advantages. We can not interpret them in a few words. Only actually have a foreign travel then you can realize my words.

2009年12月22日 星期二

Housings in Taiwan Part 4

One time, I dreamed of listening WON~WON~ sounds. In my dream, I started to look for the source. Then I saw a very big mosquito flying in front of my. It was strange, the mosquito appeared and disappeared then appeared and disappeared. Again, again, and again. The WON~WON~sounds also appeared and disappeared continually. Suddenly, the mosquito appeared and stayed on my face. I subconsciously wanted to kill the mosquito, then i did. killing the big mosquito was equal to slapping my face. In the reality, I actually slapped my face. Then I waked up with startle.I went to look at myself in the mirror. I saw a dead mosquito with blood on my face.

The mosquitoes is the most serious problem my neighbors brings us. It is also the most different experience form else cause apaprment in my life. I wish all mosquitoes became exitinct. After killing mosqutioes, remember to read O-MI-DO-FU. It can not only help the dead mosqutio attain heaven but also a beneficence.

Housings in Taiwan Part 3

Everyone lives in his apairtment meets many problems, included me. The most serious problem I encoounter is about bad neighbor habbits. First, I have to emphasize that I have not got a particle of race prejudice. One of my door neighbors is aborigine. I infer that they certainly came form mountains, and the can not forget their mountain life. There is a vacant lot in back of my apartment. The ownership is Yingge Township Office. Yingge Township Office has not put the vacant lot into the regional plans for many years. My aborigine neighbors can't earse their inherent characters. They follow ther desire to occupy the vacant lot without any reason since we moved home anout 10 years ago. Then the nightmare began.

We got a worse and worse dwelling level because they raise besides dogs, chickens, ducks and grow many kinds of vegetables on the vacant lot. They also have been occupying more more field. The most serious influence cause theri self-centered is mosquitoes. Can you realize that mosquitoes appear every day, every season, every year, everywhere? We have to kill mosqutioes every day. We do not kill mosquitoes only when sleeping.

To con'd to part 4

2009年12月8日 星期二

Housings in Taiwan Part 2

In Taiwan, Construction and Planning Agency administers land developer. Apartments located in the direct controlled municipality are administered by the government of direct controlled municipality; apartments located in the country of controlled city are administered by government of country controlled city. The law is according to Ministry of the Interior of Condominium Managed Rules.

Another kind of apartments in Taiwan is called public housing. In Taiwan, people have to have a public housing by purchasing only, but in HongKong, citizens can rant public housing from HongKong government. They are different form us because the public housings and private housings are extreme expensive. High price of housing, the situation also happens in Taiwan. High vacant rate and many homeless persons are also cause of the extreme raised price of housing.

People live in the apartments often meet many problems, just like leak, loud noise form pipes, rats form door neighbor, illegal TV connection, illegal phone line connection, stool jams, and bad neighbor habits.

To con'd to part 3

Housings in Taiwan Part 1

In Taiwan, There are many kinds of house for nationals living. We can discriminate houses according to their size, price, location, convenient transportation and dwelling level. The distinctions often influence the price of house. We can often see mansion, manor house, town house, duplex, apartment, roof extension, villa in Taiwan.

A housing only for one family living is divided into house; a housing for many families living is called apartment. Unless we are rich men, we can’t afford a house for living in the civic centre. Consequently, apartments are the most buildings for living we can easily see.

An apartment whose total floor are less then five floors are not usually elevators; an apartment whose total floors are over then five floors must have elevators. The newer, modernized houses and apartments have housing managements, like a security system or permanent secures. Community is typification. Certainly, to pay administrative expense monthly is necessary if you have the service.

To con'd to part 2