2010年12月28日 星期二

One Example Is Worth A Thousand Arguments

Arguments, controversies, divergent opinions are usually happen between people. The arguments especially happen between parents and children. There is a saying in Chinese, Crooked down beams are caused of not straight up beams. The meaning is as the same as fish begins to rot from the head in English. Children who have bad habits are usually influenced by their parents. In Chinese culture, I think over 95% Fathers and Mothers overly put emphasis on their dignities. When controversies happen, they do never say sorry to parents. Although the right side is by children, parents also force children to commit faults. So up to now, my parents have never said sorry to me since I was born. One day, Arguments, controversies, and divergent opinions happened between my mother and me. I told my mother that if you say sorry, I will end this quarrel and ignore her faults. My mother had the impudence to reply me. Did you say sorry to me before? Why should I say sorry to you firsly?…..I was speechless again. So this is a typical family education in Taiwanese society.


Not to mention that sleep is very important to human being, but human being usually don’t follow their biological clock. The reasons are from many situations, such as work, study, raising kids and elders…etc. I also go to bed late, but to be a night owl is not my intention. Sometimes I need to work overtime and sometime I need to study. I seldom nap after work for 2~3 hours, then do other things and study. Before mid-term and final-term, I usually stay up late. So now I have a wish, I want to sleep whole a day after my final-term.Not to mention that sleep is very important to human being, but human being usually don’t follow their biological clock. The reasons are from many situations, such as work, study, raising kids and elders…etc. I also go to bed late, but to be a night owl is not my intention. Sometimes I need to work overtime and sometime I need to study. I seldom nap after work for 2~3 hours, then do other things and study. Before mid-term and final-term, I usually stay up late. So now I have a wish, I want to sleep whole a day after my final-term.

A Mouse

One day, one of my company’s customers gave us a call for a trouble of using a new testing machine. With the call, the old women complained our machine could not be used anymore. Our sales man was very to listen her complaint and try to eliminate her problems by call. The old woman said that our machine did not work well and anything showed on the screen is unusual. She seriously told our sales man if we did not give her a elimination way, her company will return goods. The customer is very far from us, but my company finally sent an engineer to her. Our engineer checked all the details of machine, but found nothing abnormal. So the old women is requested to operate the machine. After booted, she started to say, see! Your machine is strange, the cursor can not click and the direction is also wrong. Our engineer told her that she didn’t use the mouse in right way, she use the mouse by the other way round……The old women also felt strange and asked our engineer, why? The mouse’s tail is back. Our engineer was speechless….

Refrigerator Magnets

Refrigerator magnets are those magnets which stuck on the refrigerators. Many kinds of refrigerator magnets we can easily see in the holiday resorts and tourism areas. Tourists usually bring some refrigerator magnets home in order to save their beautiful travel memory. Every tourism area usually has their own refrigerator can represent its features. A refrigerator magnet is good bath as a present and for one’s own enjoyment. I always buy some refrigerator magnets from where I travel. The price of a refrigerator magnet can also reflect the situation of its locating country. Same kind of magnets cost since cheap to expensive. No matter they are cheap or expensive, most of them are made in China.

2010年12月27日 星期一

Mutually Giving Presents

A present always make a person surprised. Not to mention the present is unexpected. People usually held this game on a festival or special day. Friends or family members prepare presents in advance. How exciting and amusing is the process of giving presents mutually and open them. Kind people always prepare nice, sweet or discreet presents; some people do not. The purpose of this game is to forward the good relationship. Receivers usually do not focus on the price, but they also feel bad if receive a strange present. For example, not practical things or garbage or used things. Recently I heard that my friend received a present with the game. What she received is a measuring tape……..at the moment, she was stunned and speechless.

Macbook Pro

As we all know, Apple’s products are always delicate and expensive. Its system is also not like the usual used interface of windows. The users of Apple are still getting more amore then before. Even I also lost my shield…..I bought a Macbook Pro. The purpose I bought it is not about sake of show off or having no idea to spend money. My not book is old. I need a note book that can take out. The conditions meeting my need must are light, delicate, not many people have, and the most importance is the lasting power. After I collect many information, SONY, TOSHIBA, and Apple become my final selections. In the reality, I didn’t know how to select one between these three brands because they all have excellent figures and functions. The prices also don’t have big difference. So I asked some suggestions from my friends. They all recommend Apple……..So now I am glad I finally have my own Apple note book.

MSN-04 Sazabi

MSN-04 is a red mobile suit made by Principality of Zeon. Its name is Sazabi. The structure is much bigger then normal mobile suits. The first time I saw Sazabi, I felt my heart was vibrating. So cool so nice look so spectacular mobile suit. I can’t help, but set my eyes on it. It is so delicate, strong, and aggressive that my heart is invaded by Sazabi. Although Sazabi is defeated finally, I think it is the strongest mobile suit. Sazabi’s driver has nick name called Red Comet. I don’t know the source of the nick name, but Red Comet is very suitable to Sazabi and its driver. Hope the author can write more stories about Sazabi because in my aspect that Sazabi is the best.

Gundam RX-782

RX-782 is the first Gundam made by earth united army and the first appearance is in the side 7 of colonization star. RX-782 doesn’t has delicate figure then newer mobile suits, but its strong weapons and capacities fix my eyes on very much. Although RX-782 is not the best look, it is one of the most popular mobile suits. The type of mobile suits I like is evil look and they all made by Principality of Zeon. RX-782 is made by Earth Federation Forces. Fortunately, RX-782 is not the first mobile suits I know, or I think I will not like this animation.


Gundam animation is very popular not only in Japan area. Now this animation has many new versions and translated into many languages around the world. Gundam is a kind of mobile suit and the RX-782 is the first Gundam made by E.F.F (Earth Federation Forces) in the animation. Compare with newer works , RX-782 doesn’t delicate figure, but it has a strong weapons and structure. I know Gundam when I was a child, but the time I really like Gundam was when one day I was selecting a PSP game in a store. I saw many sorts of game, only the Gundam game was mostly visible. I don’t know why it seemed a voice talked me to buy it. Then I bought it. After I played the game, I am fascinated by Gundam from played the game. Now I often concern the news about Gundam. I like Gundam now.

2010年12月26日 星期日

How to Overcome the Crisis of Water Shortage Part II

Moreover, while promoting water-saving equipment for the use of households and public places. The government should also encourage high-tech industries to recycle wastewater. Last but not least, the general governments water-rationing measures.

In a word, to conserve precious water resources is all people’s consensus. It is my firm belief that only by talking the above-mentioned measures can we overcome the crisis of water shortage and effectively manage water resources.

How to Overcome the Crisis of Water Shortage Part I

As we all know, for the past several months, rainfall in Taiwan has been lower then normal. As a result, this has resulted in very serious drought. Facing the worsening crises of water shortage, the government has no choice but to take the most concrete and effective measures. In my opinion, the following measures are very feasibe.

First of all, the government has to speed up repairing worn-out water pipelines and dredging of rivers and reservoirs. In addition, for the purpose of ensuring adequate water supply, deforestation, overdevelopment of mountain slopes, and river pollution should be strictly prohibited

Time and Watches

Time goes never stop. Past time never come back, either. People follow the time to do everything, such as wake up, eat three meals a day, go to school or work, go to bed…etc. We do know the importance of time, but we do also waste much time on no worth things, such as chatting with someone when having free time, sitting in front of TV with empty brain, surfing internet all day. Although I also know time is important, I seldom immerse into lazy. Time is so important that people need to grasp what they can do in a limited time. Watches become one of paraphernalia. We can see the figure of watches from cheap to expensive, from practical one to luxurious one. Now the significance of watches is not able to be substituted, but wearing watches is the purpose for too many people to decorate themselves or show off. People who regard time as important thing are still mass. I put emphasis on punctual so I lay equal emphasis on the real use and decoration of my watches.

2010年12月13日 星期一

The Negative Impacts of Technology Part 4

There is saying “Technology was born via man”. This is because man are lazy by nature. Now technology is inseparable from human civilization since the discovery of tools and fire. Granted that technology has brought a lot of negative impacts to the earth, but Technology has become an integrated part of our life. I am in the view of let technology continue to develop.

As for the its impacts on the environment. Leave the problems for the environmentalists to worry about. If indeed, the problems are so important to environmentalists, then they should abandon all the technological paraphernalia around them. So their protestations are meaningful

. What we need to do is to balance the use of technology. Better use the same technology to rectify all the negative impacts which has created, and use more proper ways to create a better tomorrow.

The Negative Impacts of Technology Part 3

Fourthly, reduction of human contact. Our society gets further dehumanized and a new form of social disorder is brewing. Computer entertainment programs have created a whole new generation of Home BOY and Home GIRL. They no longer concern themselves with how others live or die. With the popularity of internet, new kinds of crime have developed. For example, financial fraud, sexual crime, and privacy invasion are being committed. Nowadays, people often send e cards to their family members or friends. Sending a e card is very easy and convenient. It also makes receiving a greeting less meaningful. The feeling between people seems to be getting further and further apart.

The Negative Impacts of Technology Part 2

Secondly, high demand for newer and better TECHNO products also has negative impacts on our eco environment. Many of these high tech products manufacturing processes produce harmful and big pollution to our environment. For example, PCB. Every high tech product has a PCB inside. The production of PCB involves processes that give out huge amount of pollutants. In fact the production of the circuit board is classified as a kind of highly polluted industry.

Thirdly, the never ending pursue of materialistic satisfaction. Never ending is also creating the unnecessary need to consume and waste. For example, people never ending to upgrade their mobile phones in order to pursue better design, better program, more functions.

The Negative Impact of Technology Part 1

Technology brings human civilization a lot of conveniences and eases. Behind the repaid development of high technology, many negative impacts also come with it. Firstly, Premature or overly rely on high technology products, can impair the development of the thinking process. One of the very strong evidence is when children are introduced to personal computer too early in their live, display the inability to concentrate, unable to focus for long period of time. Their thinking process is significantly slower, and their ability to think logically is weak. Study also shows that these kids have difficulties in learning Chinese language when in school.

Future to come of Technology

The future of technology will move toward "multi functional". The product of multi functions is just like smart phone. Most digital equipment will have the ability to do more then one function. For example, a wrist watch may double up as a personal computer. MP3 will no longer be just a player, but more?

More and more sophisticated equipments will further enhance people’s life in the future, such as advance robotic equipments, voice activated services, remote activated service, or motion activated services. For the purpose of using less steps, the future techno products will be designed to “one touch” or artificial intelligence.