As a proverb says that It takes all sorts to make a world. Since we have gentlemen and ladies in our society, unfortunately there must be some, or a big number of “low life” around us. In our history of more than 5,000 years, a lot of tragedies were caused by “low life.” For personal desires, hope for power, fortune, or even love, those low lives even scarified welfare of others to satisfy themselves. Not only in our history, low life exists in modern society, too. They always hide themselves in dark, waiting chances to play nasty and dirty tricks.
These low lives are everywhere, such as in working place. They act as long as there are human beings, especially when the people are the unaware or naive. Low life is generally vicious, cunning and deceiving. They love to create confusions, unrests, disharmony, and misunderstanding among people. They also enjoy stabbing on other’s back, and sabotaging relationship. Based on the misfortune of other people, they happily and lushly thrive.